Why Water?

Saha Global water entrepreneurs use local products to treat contaminated water from their community and make it safe to drink. They then sell this water at an affordable price. But why is clean water so important?

Everyone needs water to survive. It’s just that simple. But the harsh reality is that so many people around the world do not have safe access to this basic necessity. We often take the amount and quality of water we have for granted. Not everyone is as lucky as us.
lack water

The Ghanian government knew they were faced with a problem of access to water, but without funding and infrastructure, piping water to rural villages was not an option. Instead, the government made “dugouts” on the outskirts of the villages. During the rainy season (May through October), these dugouts would fill with water that the villagers could use.

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E. coli bacteria

While dugouts provide an adequate amount of water, this water is nowhere safe to drink. Dugout water is fecally contaminated and contains dysentery causing bacteria and protozoa, such as E. coli.  E.coli can also cause stomach cramps, vomiting, fever, respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. Cholera is another dangerous bacteria that can cause dysentery and lead to electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration. Typhoid fever can also be transmitted through fecally contaminated water.  In addition to a very high fever, people with typhoid often feel weak, or have stomach pains, headache, or loss of appetite. In some cases, patients have a rash of flat, rose-colored spots.

When Saha arrives in the villages, one of the first things we do is run water tests at the dugout. The photo below was taken during January’s water projects and shows the presence of E. coli in all of the dugouts. The blue dots represent the bacteria in the water.


While this is unfortunate to see, the good news is, we can immediately begin teaching the women how to clean their water!

Access to clean drinking water does not only improve health, but also effects all other aspects of village life such as improved cooking, school attendance and economic opportunities!

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